
How Does the Rocket Launching Process Actually Work in Practice?

  • January 19, 2022
  • 3 min read
How Does the Rocket Launching Process Actually Work in Practice?

The Merlin Engines on the new Falcon 9 rocket produce over 1.7 million pou ofnds of thrust at full power. The amount of acceleration produced as a result exposes astronauts to 3 times the force of the Earth’s atmosphere.

Watching a rocket launching into space is a humbling experience but do you know how rocket propulsion works? The more you know about launching rockets the more your overall body of knowledge about space travel will be.

If you are curious about the space industry, types of rockets, or want to understand more about the process of rocket launching read on. This basic guide explains what you need to know about rocket launching.

Rocket Launching Works via Combustion

Combustion is the process by which humans launch rockets into space. To escape the gravity of the earth and break through the friction of its atmosphere you need a massive amount of force.

The best way to do this is through the combustion of rocket fuel. When the fuel ignites, it activates the propulsion system which creates thrust in the rear of the rocket. This thrust propels the rocket into motion.

Specialized Fuel Is Needed

Over the years the type of rocket fuel used during launches has varied with the types of rockets developed. Nowadays the Falcon 9 rocket uses rocket fuel synthesized from super-chilled kerosene and liquid oxygen.

In the past, everything from alcohol to liquid hydrogen has been used as rocket fuel. Rocket fuel needs to burn hot, strong, and fast to create enough thrust to propel the rocket into space.

Escaping Earth’s Shackles

The reason such an enormous amount of thrust is needed to launch a rocket is that a rocket needs to gain enough upward momentum to escape Earth’s gravitational field and atmosphere. These two factors offer a ton of resistance.

Once the rocket enters into space less fuel is needed as there is less gravitational resistance and no atmospheric resistance. At this point, the rocket can travel indefinitely at its current speed through space.

An Era of Reusable Components

In the past, as the rocket launched into orbit, the cockpit would detach from other sections of the rocket like the booster engine and fuselage. These components would crash back to earth after they served their purpose.

Nowadays scientists land these components on platforms after launch so they can use them again for the next mission. This makes spaceflight much more sustainable and also cheaper.

The Space Industry Is Amazing

Learning about rocket launching is only the tip of the ice-burg when it comes to embracing all that the space industry has to offer. If you want to learn more about space, check out

The more you learn about rocket launching and other aspects of the space industry the more involved you can get in helping mankind become a galactic-faring civilization.

Who Knows What Will Happen Next?

As the space industry continues to evolve new techniques in rocket launching will emerge. Only time will tell what awesome evolutions of our humble modern rocket will emerge.

Use the practical information in this guide to further your research about the space industry.

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